
Mantequilla Corporal Batida de Cacao y Manteca de Karité

Posted by Hardip Kalsi on

¿Te sientes reseco? ¿Necesitas darle a tu piel un brillo veraniego con ingredientes totalmente naturales? ¡Bueno, puedes crear una mantequilla corporal totalmente natural y deliciosa para deleitar tus sentidos y mejorar tu piel con unos pocos ingredientes fáciles! Esta es una mantequilla perfecta y lujosa para hacer con tus pequeños y compartir con tus amigos y familiares. También haré sugerencias de sustituciones en caso de que no tengas los ingredientes exactos en esta receta. Instrucciones: Combina todas las mantecas en un tazón resistente al calor (como un plato Pyrex o una jarra de acero inoxidable) y derrite a baño María**....

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How to Create a Fall Simmer Pot

Posted by Hardip Kalsi on

As the weather cools, nothing makes your home more inviting than yummy scents emerging from the kitchen! Make your home an inviting cozy pad with this easy delectable simmer pot! And you can use what you normally buy for groceries!  Ingredients and Materials: A medium simmer pot Water Oranges (peels only are OK) Apples Cinnamon sticks Cloves (optional) Essential oils (optional) Instructions: Add water about halfway up to your simmer pot and heat.  While the water heats up, slice apples and oranges into circular slices. Add the apples, oranges, cinnamon sticks and optional ingredients into your simmer pot and get...

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How to Create your own Room Diffuser

Posted by Hardip Kalsi on

Change is in the air once again! In order to embrace and celebrate the bounty of nature, transform your home into a warm, welcoming sanctuary for you and your family.  Ingredients and Materials: Glass Bottles (as many you you prefer) Fragrance reed sticks Fragrance or essential oil of your choice (we chose a pumpkin soufflé type) Refined plant based oils (such as avocado or sunflower oil, with about 10% jojoba oil) Instructions: Mix together about 90g of avocado or sunflower oil with 10 g of jojoba oil. Add between 1%- 3% fragrance oil of your choice (start with less, and...

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Calendula Soothing Salve

Posted by Hardip Kalsi on

Every year my summer garden bursts into cheerful color with the presence of Marigold flowers. Also known as the Calendula flower, this sunny champion is the highlight of many of our products here at 1212 Gateway, and with good reason.   I shall begin by singing the praises of this plant in the garden for its beautiful showy flowers that come in various colors, shapes and sizes that helps to attract pollinators to your garden. Calendula flowers have been used at least since the 7th Century for their digestive and healing properties. They stand out in wound care as one of...

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Buttermilk Bath Soak

Posted by Hardip Kalsi on

Bathing in milk has been associated with ultimate luxury since time immemorial, prompting the wealthy of the world to seek the same beautifying elixirs used by Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt herself. Cleopatra has beenrecorded by historians to have bathed in milk, honey, and oat grains for beautiful silky skin. Since her reign, the tradition continued throughout the Mediterranean, Middle East, North Africa, and India, where royalty and the noble classes soaked themselves in milk baths to signify opulence and reverence for beauty. Well, they all had a point. Milk, particularly fermented milk products such as buttermilk, have a high amount...

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